
You can learn more from our frequently asked questions (FAQ)


Our FAQ will help you to understand the basic quick questions which we have curated with our experience with clients over the time. Almost everyone had these queries, yours might be different.

When you buy the solution you get Web & Apps Codes along with deployment and support period. We deploy on your hosting & developer accounts.

We recommend the hosting which you need to buy for the solution. Apple And Google Publisher Account are to bought by you.

You need to provide Web Logo, App Icons, Hosting details, Developer Account details as well as descriptions.

If apps are rejected for any technical reason then we will get it approved by all means, but if they reject it for metadata (icons, logo or description) then we do it one time more.

We have MCS for client support system, you just raise a ticket and we will fix the issue for you.

Customisation is something which is not there in our solution (Paid). Updates are the Patches we release for fixes and functionality (Free). Upgrades the new variant of solution(Paid).

Still have you any concerns for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to solutions, service timelines, demos or customisations feel free to speak to us personally by call us during business hours. We love to help other than FAQ.

Head office address:

36, Park Avenue, Kolkata
West Bengal, India

Call for help:

+1 (864) 808-8634

Mail for information: